Quarterdeck Corporation, StarNine Division

Installation Procedures

Before Installing

If you are upgrading from ListSTAR 1.0 please read about the Scripts You Must Alter as a result of an added Apple Event in ListSTAR 1.1.

If you are upgrading from ListSTAR 1.0 we recommend that you backup certain files. The backup is necessary in case you need to "downgrade." Preference files are altered when updating from a version prior to 1.1 because of the change from Aliases to FSSpecs for how rules find files. You cannot use a 1.1 prefs file with a version prior to 1.1 thus you need to backup the "old" version in case there is a need to downgrade.
Backup the following files:

(NOTE: You can use the QuickBackup Script to backup the above mentioned files) or you can drag copy them to another location.

You may also want to save the following files by hand before performing the installation, although these files can also be installed from a previous installation archive.


We recommend that you boot with extensions off before installing or upgrading to ListSTAR 1.1.
You can use the Installer program to install ListSTAR 1.1 over your previous ListSTAR version. The QuickMail and Quarterdeck Mail versions of the product have been discontinued. Please contact sales@starnine.com to find out how to exchange your ListSTAR/QM or ListSTAR/MS to ListSTAR/POP or ListSTAR/SMTP.

Note the installer will look for the ListSTAR folder in the first level of the selected harddrive. If you have moved the ListSTAR folder into a sub folder you must install the ListSTAR 1.1 in the first level of your hard drive. After installation, copy the following files from the 1.1 folder to the "older" ListSTAR folder.

If you are upgrading from ListSTAR 1.0 to ListSTAR 1.1, ListSTAR will take a longer period of time to lauch the first time it is launched. The reason is that ListSTAR 1.1 will be converting FSSpecs to Aliases.


If for some reason you need to bring your ListSTAR server from 1.1 to either 1.0 you need to follow the following instructions.
CAUTION: If you downgrade your server, any changes made to rules and address lists will be lost AND downgraded timer rules will operate as if they haven't been executed since the original backup file was created.

From your backup files replace the following:

The following files can be restored by either installing with an earlier version of the ListSTAR software OR by copying the files that you save in the procedure above.

Note: If you have renamed the actual file names for any of the address lists files you will need to rename them to the original name. When you do a downgrade the FSSpecs may not be able to "reconnect" certain rules. You may need to "reconnect" certain rules (the rules that have the problem will be reported on the initial launch of ListSTAR).

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